Missing Watercolours

We would welcome any help in tracing the owners of the following watercolours:-

A) Exhibitions in Eric Ravilious's Lifetime

1927 St George's Gallery
1. Barcombe Fields
2. Wreck of a Schooner
3. The Green
4. Lane at Alciston
5. Oak Trees at Barcombe
7. Church Tower, Old Town, Eastbourne
12. Country House Garden
14. Braintree
15. Kirdford House
16. Alfriston Hill
17. Wreck at Birling Gap
18. Barcombe Hill

1933 Zwemmer Gallery
2. Funnel and Roller
7. Field Elm LOCATED!
8. Newt Pond
10. Marrow Bed
13. Great Saling LOCATED!
14. Sand Pit
16. Farm Yard
18. Drought LOCATED!
19. Hawser
21. February Landscape
22. Walls and Sheds
23. Tilty [Essex] LOCATED!
25. Chapels
28. Afternoon in the Fields LOCATED!
32. Marlborough Downs LOCATED!
36. High Tide
38. Schooner and Submarine: not recorded in catalogue

1936 Zwemmer Gallery
3. Coal Yard
13. Cab LOCATED!
21. Poultry. (possibly destroyed by a bomb)
22. Back Gardens LOCATED!
31. Lane in Sussex
38. Firle Beacon: not recorded in catalogue
a. Shepherd's Cottage: recorded by hand at bottom of catalogue LOCATED!

1939 Arthur Tooth and Sons
6. Mackerel Sky
7. Hill Farm LOCATED!
10. Salt Marsh LOCATED!
11. Hedingham Sand Pit
21. Early Morning on the East Coast LOCATED!
26. Pilot Boat LOCATED!

B) Unrecorded Pictures Appearing in Post War Exhibitions

1. Farm Scene: MEB 23. [? ZW33:16] LOCATED!
2. Wannock Dewpond: MEB 47. [? ZW33:11] LOCATED!
3. Wiltshire Landscape 1937: MEB12 LOCATED!
4. Fishing Boats: GAGS 2. [unsc. 'From Tirzah and Eric with love to Anne] 16" x 21"
   Others, remembered or mentioned in letters. LOCATED!
5. Mr Turner by a log, sitting on the handle of a wheelbarrow, a field of flax in foreground.
6. Bowk (Beryl Sinclair) at the sink. Oil painting 1929-30.

C) War Pictures Mentioned in Letters

1. HMS Unicorn [later HMS Cressey]
2. Tomahawk Taking Off

ZW33: Zwemmer Catalogue 1933
MEB: ER Memorial Exhibition 1948
GAGS: Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield 1958

"After Eric's first successful show at Zwemmers, Robert Wellington has said that they should aim at having a show at least every three years. He also expected to be able to sell a few paintings throughout the year, so he always needed to have some in stock in the gallery, with Eric, if possible, supplying a new one every month..... Against this, Wellington stressed the importance of keeping back enough paintings to make an impressive second show". - Helen Binyon

Any information on the whereabouts of the above watercolours would be gratefully received. Please contact us if you can help.